Git Configurations
I use vanilla git CLI for all my git repo interactions. That said, there are some short cuts I've defined from my years of Subversion habits.
email = [email protected]
name = Vinnie Was Here
defaultBranch = main
st = status
co = checkout
br = branch
acp = "!f() { \
PARSED_OPTS=$(getopt -o ham: --long help,all,dry-run,message: -- \"$@\"); \
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then \
echo \"Failed to parse options.\"; \
exit 1; \
fi; \
eval set -- \"$PARSED_OPTS\"; \
ALL=\"\"; \
DRYRUN=\"\"; \
MESSAGE=\"--allow-empty-message\"; \
while true; do case \"$1\" in \
-h|--help) echo \"Usage: git acp [-h] [-a] [--dry-run] [-m message] [<pathspec>...]\"; shift; exit 0;; \
-a|--all) ALL=\"-a\"; shift;; \
--dry-run) DRYRUN=\"yes\"; shift;; \
-m|--message) MESSAGE=\"-m '$2'\"; shift 2;; \
--) shift; break;; \
*) echo \"Invalid option: $1\"; exit 1;; \
esac; done; \
NARG=$#; \
SUFFIX=\"git commit $ALL $MESSAGE && git push\"; \
if [ \"$#\" -gt \"0\" ]; then \
COMMAND=\"git add $@ && $SUFFIX\"; \
else \
COMMAND=\"$SUFFIX\"; fi; \
if [ \"$DRYRUN\" = \"yes\" ]; then \
echo $COMMAND; \
else \
sh -c \"$COMMAND\"; \
fi; \
}; f"
deploy = "!f() { \
git status 2>/dev/null | grep \"nothing to commit\" || exit 1; \
git checkout deploy || git checkout -b deploy; \
git merge main || git merge main --rebase; \
git push origin deploy; \
git checkout main; \
}; f"
up = "!f() { \
git checkout deploy; git pull; \
git checkout main; git pull; \
git merge deploy; \
}; f"
postBuffer = 157286400
git st
- Git status with 4 less keystrokes.git br
- Git branch with 4 less keystrokes.git co
- Git checkout with 6 less keystrokes.git acp -m "commit message" <pathspec>...
- Git add/commit/push in a single command. This lazy action is great for quick typo fixes or attribute testing in CI environments.git deploy
- Mergemain
branch and push to trigger CI/CD.git up
- Updatemain
from upstream anddeploy
. (Note: Deploy may be updated by CD system.)
One Git convention I think is worth mentioning is my main
vs deploy
branches. In larger team settings, its always best to develop new features or fixes in branches of their own with regular merging. Once its time to integrate, never integrate into a branch that will be deployed. Instead, integrate into a "stage" branch that can then be merged into the deployment branch.
This all makes sense, but the primary use of this convention for me is because I want to be able to merge, commit, and push into main
without fear that I'm going to take down any systems. If you've structured your system such that developers fear pushing, you've set yourself up for lost effort!
If you want to ease of browsing git
repos without the burden of a proper GUI (e.g. VSCode), lazygit
is a great option to consider.
Default themes are not very human friendly, see more themes at: catppuccin/lazygit
To load my preferred theme, add the following to ~/.config/lazygit/config.yml
- '#f9e2af'
- bold
- '#a6adc8'
- '#89b4fa'
- '#313244'
- '#45475a'
- '#f9e2af'
- '#f38ba8'
- '#cdd6f4'
- '#f9e2af'
'*': '#b4befe'
Various Configs From Youtube
git config --global alias.staash 'stash --all'
git config --global !
Include if
[includeIf "gitdir:~/projects/work/"]
path = ~/projects/work/.gitconfig -
git blame -w -C -C -C path/to/file
git reflog
git diff --word-diff
git config --global rerere.enabled true
- redo previous fixes when re-doing rebases -
git config --global column.ui auto
git config --global branch.sort -committerdate
git push --force-with-lease
git config gpg.format ssh
git push --signed
git maintenance start
git config --global fetch.writeCommitGraph true
git config core.untrackedcache true
git config core.fsmonitor true
git clone --filter=blob:none
git clone --filter=tree:0
git sparse-checkout set dir1 dir2