Container Collections
Container Collections is a bin to store lists of container things I'm collecting, comparing, contrasting, or simply listing for future reference.
Container Terms
- OCI - Open Container Initiative [Wiki] [Github]
- runc - OCI reference implmentation container runtime
- CRE - Container Runtime Engine - Parent process for containers and its namespaces.
- Linux Namespaces - Partitioning of resources in kernel. (Fundamental to containerization!)
- Container - A tree of processes that have been launched within a set of linux namespaces via the clone() syscall.
- Docker - Container Orchestration
- Kubernetes - Container Orchestration
- CRI - Container Runtime Interface [Docs]
- etcd - key-value store
- kubelet - per node k8s management agent
- pod - scheduling unit in k8s ... also a single network namespace
Container OS Distributions
- CoreOS
- Flatcar
- CRI-O [GitHub] - Lightweight container runtime
- containerd - Std K8S container runtime
- sysbox - VM-ish container runtime
- rkt