Collections Overview
Collections is a bin to store lists of things I'm collecting, comparing, contrasting, or simply listing for future reference.
Other Collections
Dev Configurations
Current Terminal Stack:
Tmux - TUI Manager for multi Sessions/Windows/Panes
NeoVim (w/ NvChad Settings) - Text Editor TUI NeoVim Release NvChad
Git Config - Git Shortcuts & LazyGit for TUI
Bash Config - Preferred Shell
Debian Config - Preferred Distribution
Yazi - File Manager TUI Github Releases
Glow - Terminal Markdown Reader GitHub Releases
Vivid - Theme LS_COLORS Github Releases
Zoxide - Smart CD GitHub Releases
Fzf - CLI Fuzzy Finder GitHub Releases
Curlie - Curl like Httpie GitHub Releases
Posting - Postman like TUI Github Repo
Kanata - Key-mapper Github Releases
Binary Analysis Tools
- Rizin
- Radare2
- PwnDbg
- Ropper
- rop
- Ghidra
- Firmadyne - Semi-automated and scalable firmware emulation analysis.
- EMUX - Firmadyne without the emphasis on scalability.
Terminal Tools
- Markup/Meta Language Tools
- Yaml
- PyYaml
- ruamel.yaml
- ytt
- jq
- xmlsearch
- yaml2xml
- Yaml