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Git is a popular revision control system (originally) written and maintained for Linux kernel maintenance. Since it was released, it's somehow grown into its own thing that is world known. Centralized services like GitHub, GitLab, and BitBucket have popped up with critical software development features like issue tracking, DevOps workflows, wiki documentation, online editing, binary artifact hosting, and a long list of other features. Many of the core features exist in a relatively small and self-contained golang implementation called Gitea.

In the GitOps Driven Stack, we'll use Gitea as our authoritative upstream repository, the thing that triggers various critical runners, and a local/private docker registry for containers that are built when updates are pushed upstream.

The Steps

Before we create our gitea service container, it is recommended that you change the host SSH port to something other than 22. This is because we're going to permit gitea to control port 22 for git related operations. I recommend port 2222.

  1. Reconfigure SSHd to use a different port (e.g. 2222) in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

  2. Reset the ssh service. (sudo systemctl restart sshd)

  3. If using SSH, login to the service with the new port.

Create the docker compose yaml for the gitea_svc service in /opt/services/lab_services-config/services/gitea_svc.yml:

image: gitea/gitea:1.21.4
depends_on: [dnsmasq_svc, caddy_svc]
container_name: gitea_svc
- USER_UID=1000
- USER_GID=1000
restart: unless-stopped
- /opt/state/gitea_svc/data:/data
- /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
ports: [, "22:22" ]

In this service, we explicitly map gitea's website and other web services hosted on port 3000 to our host's localhost:1180 to enforce caddy_svc as the TLS terminator and reverse proxy. The host ssh port 22 is also mapped so that there is no weird funnyness with git over ssh commands. Without permitting this, git commands and environment variable definitions get really dirty and hard to maintain over any number of nodes and platforms.

To run the gitea_svc service:

cd /opt/services/lab_services/services/
docker compose -f gitea_svc.yml up -d

Initial Service Setup

  • Open Gitea via its hostname, defined in dnsmasq_svc and caddy_svc, in a browser on the same network. (e.g. https://git.lab/)

  • Leave the defaults and click "Install Gitea" button - toward the bottom of the page.

  • On the next screen (i.e. the login screen), click "Need an account? Register Now."

    • Select a username (e.g. gitea_user) and a password > 8 characters (e.g. password), then click "Register Account".

    • Note: If you forget the password, you can reset it with:

      docker exec -it <container-id> su git bash -c "gitea admin user change-password -u <user> -p <pw>"

      (But you aren't forgetting passwords because you can look them up in Vaultwarden, correct? ;-))

  • We now have an operating git revision control with many usability features found in other git frontends like Gitlab, Github, Gogs, and many others.

  • From here we want to add our SSH key to our account in Gitea. Grab the key in the clipboard: cat /home/user/.ssh/ and paste it as an SSH key in Gitea under the account settings.

  • Git and Artifact Repository is installed.

Gitea Runners

Gitea has the ability to support running actions based on events that have occurred in its environment (e.g. a push event.) To do this, you have to register runners, which are agents that run from a container, VM, or bare-metal system and can run commands and produce output as instructed by the runner descriptors in each repository.

In a later page, we'll describe how to register a runner and how to use the runner to automatically build and deploy a static docusaurus system-manual site for the system we're building.

Revision Control Is Here!

Going forward, we now have working revision control. This means that we'll start to store all of our environment build, descriptions, configurations, and other artifacts in this repository so that we have provenance and posterity for all changes.